A Synopsis of Quantum Voyages
Guided by Sapienza, the spirit of knowledge, two voyagers enter the microscopic realm of atomic landscapes and quantum conundrums to discover a magnificent and baffling world foreign to every day human experience. As in epics and fairy tales, say, Metamorphoses or the Nutcracker, the voyagers explore land after land, each tickling the viewer’s imagination and, unlike fairy tales, offering glimpses of a world we believe actually resides around us. The trio confronts terrifying prospects of being Dead and Alive at once, encounter electrons acting as waves, are pelleted by photons, glide through superfluids, precess in MRI machines, and navigate disordered quantum terrains within complex materials. The voyagers emerge awakened to the miniscule scapes within us and the affirmation that things are never what they seem.
Quantum Voyages is a science-based performance piece of about an hour-long duration. Its multi-media form involves theater, cameo appearances by physicists as themselves, movement, music, and projections. It explores key topics in the realms of quantum physics foundations, condensed matter, and cold atomic gases. Its fantastical plotline is designed to make the content accessible to audience inclusive of ages 4 to 104.