Past Performances
Spring 2020 program
Southern California, May 2020
Spring 2019 program
8.00 pm, 6th March 2019, Boston Convention Center, Boston, MA, USA
Public Event as part of the American Physical Society March Meeting
Paired with ‘History of Physics through 12 Songs’ in an evening of Imaginative Performances
Premiere, Spring 2018 program
7.30 pm, 30th March 2018, IHotel Ballroom, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA
Public Event as part of a Celebration of Nobel Laureate Sir Tony Leggett’s 80th,
Followed by a popular talk by Prof. Matthew Fisher: Are we quantum computers, or merely clever robots?
7.30 pm, 4th April 2018, Beckman Auditorium, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IL USA
Public Event at the Beckman Institute, Dedicated to Prof. Charlie Slichter
Followed by a talk-back session with the Quantum Voyages team